The database behind this thing hasn't been updated in aeons so all the data here is pretty well useless until someone takes charge of maintaining it.

pkgsrc broken builds list

Filter | --> -->
Python 3.10.10: /usr/pkg/bin/python3.10
Fri Apr 26 03:53:22 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in <module>
   1729 # end main
=> 1732 main()
main = <function main>
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in main()
   1650         dohtml(f)
   1651         (showkey, sortkey) = getshowsort(cgidata)
=> 1652         dolist(f, showkey, sortkey)
   1653         return
global dolist = <function dolist>, f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, showkey = <__main__.filter object>, sortkey = 'Pkbs'
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in dolist(f=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, showkey=<__main__.filter object>, sortkey='Pkbs')
   1555 def dolist(f, showkey, sortkey):
=> 1557     list_head(f, showkey, sortkey)
   1558     list_body(f, showkey, sortkey)
   1559     list_foot(f)
global list_head = <function list_head>, f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, showkey = <__main__.filter object>, sortkey = 'Pkbs'
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in list_head(file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, showkey=<__main__.filter object>, sortkey='Pkbs')
   1421     file.write("%s |\n" % mklink(getlink("filter", showkey, sortkey),
   1422                                                     "Filter"))
=> 1423     file.write("%s |\n" % filterlink(showkey, sortkey, "f", "fixed"))
   1424     file.write("%s\n" % filterlink(showkey, sortkey, "s", "stale"))
   1425     file.write("</h3>\n")
file = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, file.write = <built-in method write of _io.TextIOWrapper object>, global filterlink = <function filterlink>, showkey = <__main__.filter object>, sortkey = 'Pkbs'
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in filterlink(showkey=<__main__.filter object>, sortkey='Pkbs', ch='f', desc='fixed')
    522     newshowkey = showkey.copy()
    523     if ch == 'f':
=>  524         present = showkey.showingfixed()
    525         newshowkey.showfixed(not present)
    526     else:
present undefined, showkey = <__main__.filter object>, showkey.showingfixed = <bound method filter.showingfixed of <__main__.filter object>>
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in showingfixed(self=<__main__.filter object>)
    299     def showingfixed(self):
=>  300         return self.fixed
    302     def showfixed(self, onoff):
self = <__main__.filter object>, self.fixed undefined

AttributeError: 'filter' object has no attribute 'fixed'
      args = ("'filter' object has no attribute 'fixed'",)
      name = 'fixed'
      obj = <__main__.filter object>
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of AttributeError object>